The war in Ukraine has expanded social, economic, and environmental problems to an unprecedented scale and created entirely new challenges. That is why our team, in partnership with others, has created a grant program to scale social enterprises. The smart grant program is aimed at overcoming the challenges of wartime.
👉🏼 From October to November, we received over 100 applications for financial support from active social enterprises. Some have already adapted to the conditions of wartime, while others required assistance for transformation.
Of all the applications, an independent expert committee selected 26 social enterprises for financial assistance. These projects impressed the committee experts the most with their expertise, experience, and ability to scale their impact. Meet our grantees:
Korosten UVP UTOS
Social Enterprise "Vilna Nytka"
DyvoGra - Assistive Communication Technologies
Mshanetski Kolibi
Social Manufactory BeeThe
"Carpathians" UTOG
POG "Kramatorsk UVP UTOS"
Center of Medical Rehabilitation
STSOK "Dary Hutsulshchyny"
Children's hikes Hoyra
BU "Ioanniv Center"
Ekostyle - Modern Operator in Solid Waste Management
Tepla Gora Eco Centre
In the future, we will definitely share with you the stories and achievements of each of them. But for now, we recommend getting to know them on their social media pages and browsing the gallery of photos that will show you how interesting our grantees are. They cover various vulnerable categories of the population and also have an impact on society and the country in different areas 🚀
We remind you that the grant program is being implemented by USVF in collaboration with SILab Ukraine. It is also being carried out under the European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE) Development Facility program with financial support from the European Union as part of the EU4Business initiative!