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Open call for financial support of social entrepreneurs and impact businesses

open call for financial support of social entrepreneurs and impact businesses

The Ukrainian Social Venture Fund (USVF) is launching the pilot social investment program aimed at supporting social entrepreneurs and impact businesses addressing pressing social and environmental issues.

Format of financial support:

USVF is committed to providing financial support to a minimum of 5 Ukrainian companies in the amount of 33,000 Euros. This support will be divided as follows:

75% in the form of grants - non-repayable financial assistance.

25% as repayable financial assistance, which should be returned to the fund within 12 months from the date of receiving the funds into your account. Who Can Apply:

We invite applications from active social enterprises and impact businesses* (examples of SE and IB you can find via link) that are not only committed to ameliorating current social and/or environmental issues but also exhibit a robust potential for growth and scalability.

*The company should either have a formalized impact mission (goal) or have intention and be committed to pivot their business model(s)to prioritize social impact efforts alongside the profits and be willing to codify that in governance documents. The innovative approach in the proposed business model, product, or service aiming to solve a particular social problem is a plus.

The call is open to all parties interested to participate and meeting following requirements:

  • Legal entity - the company has to be officially registered (copies of registration certificates are required to be submitted with application form).

  • Market presence - the company is operating officially for at least two years on the market.

  • Accountability - the company submits tax reports regularly (the copies of tax reports for the years 2021 and 2022 should be submitted with application form).

  • Financial stability - the annual turnover of the company has to be more than 1000000 UAH.

  • Purpose of funding - the company defines clear needs of funding aiming at further development and scaling of business with following enlargement of social impact.


Activities should be conducted within Ukraine, excluding those registered at DNR, LNR, Republic of Crimea and temporarily occupied territory.

Financial support could be utilized towards:

  • Grow through existing product or service = Increase the provision of existing

product or service.

  • Grow through geographical expansion/ customer segment diversification =

Expand existing activities by providing product or service to clients in a new

geographic area or to previously not targeted customer market(s).

  • Grow through new product or service = Develop and launch previously not

offered product or service.

  • Improve product or service = Enhance the quality or other aspect of already

offered product or service.

How to Apply:

  1. Please read carefully the Request for Proposal (RFP) document for more detailed information and exclusions.

  2. Check alignment of your company to the eligibility criteria.

  3. Fill out the application form and attach required documents by December 10, 2023, at latest.


The organizers reserve the right not to explain or comment on the reasons for refusal to applicants based on the selection results. About organizers: Ukrainian Social Venture Fund (USVF) invests in and supports social enterprises and impact businesses in order to achieve social and environmental changes.

The open call is held within the framework of the project "Collaborate for Impact", which is implemented with the financial support of the EU DG NEAR program and in partnership with EVPA, as well as with the support of CIVIC.




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